I used to have a raw table of all data at the end of this survey but as the file got bigger, I decided to go another route and provide a once-in-time csv snapshot. There are about 13,000 records in this file which should be enough numbers to occupy all you nervous pregnant math nerds out there. As always, I love feedback. If you see something interesting/weird/problematic/inspiring in this data please email me (spacefem at spacefem dot com).
Download csv (1608 KB)
id | Unique ID for this survey entry |
surveydate | Unix timestamp |
IP ID | Each IP address is assigned an ID |
firstname ID | Each name is assigned an ID. This is to help with duplicates. |
country | Country |
motherbirthyear | Mother's birth year |
motherbirthdate | Mother's birth date as a Unix timestamp. For confidentiality reasons I don't store exact birthdate, I pretend everyone was born on the 15th of the month. |
multiples | How many babies were being born. 2 = twins, 3 triplets |
pounds | Baby weight in pounds |
ounces | Additional ounces |
grams | Baby weight in grams |
previousbirths | How many births the mother had before this one. 0 = first baby. |
previousbornonday | Based on IP address, names and dates, this is the born on day for the mother's previous birth. |
duedate | Due date |
lmpdate | Last menstrual period date |
birthdate | Date baby was born |
bornonday | Gestation time in days - difference between the date the baby was born and LMP date. If LMP date isn't known we assumed it was 280 days before the due date. |
duedatebase | Whether due date was determined by ovulation, LMP, or ultrasound |
induced | Induced = 1, spontaneous = 0 |
cesarean | Cesarean = 1 |
sex | Boy or Girl |
exclude | Was this record excluded from charts for some reason (see page 1 for reasons) |